Our Top 3 Best Sex Furniture For Couples!
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Like many couples, my husband & I love using various pieces of sex furniture into our sex life to help us properly enjoy many a different sex position without having to think about our bed whatsoever.
Over the years, we've amassed a fairly impressive collection of pieces of furniture for sex, in the end, it's all about the right support and leverage.
Many of these items currently reside in our bedroom (we store many of them under our bed, but a few of them that I'll cover later in this article practically never leave our bed because they're soft and comfy, it just makes sense.
We've bought everything from sex pillows, sex chairs, sex chaise lounges, sex benches, you name it. Think of a piece of furniture and put the word sex in front of it and there's a decent chance we've tried one.
In all seriousness, we've invested a fair bit of money over the years into our collection of sex furniture and made many mistakes along the way before we found the options we love. This article is created with the intent to help prevent you from making some of the wasted purchases we've made over the years and help you find a quality piece depending on your need, within your budget.
What Is Sex Furniture?
When it comes to the term "sex furniture", this is a pretty damn broad category. The type of furniture you'll want to purchase will depend on your needs and what types of positions you enjoy most during sex or positions you'd like help achieving.
Unless you're creative and have the drive to create your own DIY sex furniture Macgyvered out household pillows and furniture, real sex furniture can be expensive. However, it doesn't have to be. The truth is that many of the best pieces of furniture for sex that I've experimented with really weren't all that expensive.
Some of the furniture that we've bought that was less than satisfactory and my goal is to help you steer clear of these kinds of products.
Types Of Sex Furniture
There are plenty of different types of sex furniture. Here are some of my favorite types:
Sex Pillows & Wedges: One of the best pieces of sex furniture to get started are sex pillows and wedges. They also happen to be a favorite of mine. Pillows and wedges are typically the cheapest to buy and are by far the easiest to store. One of the best parts about "sex pillows" is that they can also be used as normal pillows when they're not in use. Small and perfect for supporting the lumbar regions of the black, don't underestimate what sex pillow can do.
Sex Chairs: Sex chairs come in many different shapes and sizes. There are a few different categories of sex chairs including chaise lounges, stools and more. Your normal furniture but with a kinky twist to make sex a bit easier than if you had used the non-sex variety of said furniture.
Sex Chaise Lounges: Technically chaise lounges are a type of chair but nevertheless I thought they deserved their own category on this list, they're pretty well developed.
Sex Stools: Another sub-category of sex chairs is sex stools. The concept behind them is quite easy to understand and doesn't take very much experience or knowledge to figure out. My husband loves using our see-through sex stool as he puts it he "likes the way my bum presses against the base."
Sex Swings: Now, this is where the list caters a bit more towards the BDSM lovers out there, swings are an incredible way to take your sex to new heights. As a grown woman my love for swings died long ago when I grew up from being a child, now that I'm older I've found a whole new use for swings, a much kinkier one.
Our Favorite Pieces Of Sex Furniture
Without delaying any more time, here are my favorite pieces of furniture for sex:
My Favorite Sex Pillow/Wedge | The The Dame Pillo |
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Versatile and Comfortable | The Liberator Wedge |
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Our Favorite Sex Chair | WETPIA Multifunction Sex Position Enhancer |
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Fetish Fantasy Position Master |
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The Liberator Esse |
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Purple Reigns Swing |
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UpCircleSeven Aerial Yoga Swing Set |
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Love Glider Sex Machine |
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Prelude Bench |
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Liberator Black Label Center Stage |
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Pipedream Fetish: The Incredible Sex Stool |
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One of my favorite types of sexual furniture is the sex pillow/wedge. The reason being is that it allows for easier g-spot stimulation.
To hit my g-spot during play time, I normally have to angle my body in a relatively uncomfortable position to achieve g-spot stimulation. This is very hard to do without the use of something to place under my lower back to angle my hips backward.
By using a sex pillow such as the ones I'm about to mention, it's quite easy for my husband to hit my g-spot, all I need to do is make sure I have it properly set up on the bed and I'm good to go for all the fun I can want.
The reason they sometimes call sex pillows, "sex wedges" is because you are able to use the pillow as a wedge providing leverage which allows for easy access to the g-spot.
You gotta love science, right?
The Dame Pillo (My Favorite Sex Pillow/Wedge)

The Pillo by Dame is without a doubt my favorite sex pillow/wedge.
The reason I choose the Pillo over other sex pillows is because it's firm enough to support my weight without being too squishy, while also being very soft to the touch.
More importantly, when placed under my lower back, it provides the necessary leverage for my husband to stimulate my g-spot, which is something I'm enjoy deeply. It's big enough to support both knees during oral sex as well which is something I can't get enough of.
The Pillo comes with an affordable price tag and well exceeds its monetary value in my opinion. It's a relatively small piece of furniture but it makes a world of difference for g-spot stimulation.
I've written a full review from my experience using the Pillo by Dame, read more here.
Other favorite pillows/wedges of mine include the Ramp and the Wedge.
The Liberator Wedge (Versatile and Comfortable)

Here's an option that is as beautifully useful as it is simple. Liberator furniture is typically made out of a high density foam core that's then covered by a soft fabric material that can be easily removed and washed.
The foam is excellent at dispersing weight and retains its shape enough to still be a powerhouse as far as allowing for a wide range of different positions. The angle on the Wedge is set specifically for 27 degrees, I'm not quite sure what kind of research when into deciding that over a full on 30 degrees but there's no denying the added comfort that the Wedge brings.
A very good use for the Wedge is using it to get yourself into a position where the G-spot can be accessed much more easily. Another way that our Wedge gets a lot of use is using it as a place to plant our knees when it's time for oral sex fun.
All in all, I'd say it's an extremely versatile piece of furniture that's easily added to an existing piece of furniture to optimize it for some great sexy time.
Be sure to check my in-depth guide to the best sex pillows & wedges to learn about all of the options available.
Sex Chairs
A good sex chair can make any sex position that involves riding a whole lot easier without being difficult to use whatsoever. Lots of people I've spoken to appreciate how much a quality chair can add without being a huge burden on the pocketbook.
Now actually using them is a fairly straightforward procedure, just hop on and figure out the rest from there. Most of our favorite positions came from spontaneity while trying out the sex toy the first few times, I was surprised just how spontaneous we were able to get pretty organically and without much time using any of the options listed.
There isn't really much else to say about this kind of furniture, they tend to speak for themselves.
WETPIA Multifunction Sex Position Enhancer (Our Favorite Sex Chair)

A big focus for any sex chair is that it needs to, well, not get in the way whatsoever. It needs to provide the support necessary to hold body weight but also not impair range of motion.
So that's why the WETPIA chair stands out for us: in functionality and comfort. Its pretty sturdy being made of carbon steel and there's even a foam layer on top so there's no cold metal to brush up against.
Where you can "sit" is two elastic strips instead of a solid plate, that's essentially what opens up dozens of new positions with this thing.
It doesn't take up a lot of space, yet it will make about fifty different sex positions much easier to handle for longer periods of time.
Fetish Fantasy Position Master

A fair bit of options end up being inflatable, although they sometimes are far from satisfying. The Position Master outdoes many other options because it's angled smartly, the seams aren't secretly dangerously sharp, and it is easy enough to inflate and deflate between uses.
Other great quality of life improvements offer from the Position Master are the four handles, two near the top and two near the bottom. Surprisingly we also didn't find it was an issue keeping the toy in place as we went at it, part of us kind of wanted to get a laugh from sliding around the room with every thrust.
I'm really happy with the angling of the toy overall as it allows for the right amount of leverage to be given without any fuss.
Check my in-depth guide to the best sex chairs to learn about all of the options available.
Sex Chaise Lounges
Loungers take the place as some of the comfiest pieces of furniture we've picked up for this purpose, and also as some of the most versatile all at once. I'm not above using our loungers to spend a few hours watching TV after a good cleaning cycle, the comfort given extends far beyond using them exclusively for sex.
They're going to be on the bigger side, we're approaching full sized furniture options at this point. Most worthwhile loungers aren't symmetrical, one end will be better for a certain type of sex position while the other will be best for a different kind of sex position. If you're going to spend the money, you should absolutely make sure to get an option that'll be able to do the most for you and your partner.
So I would highly recommend this type of furniture to anyone who wants a full spectrum increase in the number of sex positions they can try out while also receiving a very functional piece of furniture.
The Liberator Esse (Our Favorite Sex Chaisse Lounge)

Coupon Code: LOVERS
Part of why we bought the Esse was not just for the sexual applications but we both thought it actually looked pretty sleek and that it would go well in a more modern room in our home
It's a pretty good lounger in its own right to be completely honest, but that's not why we're talking about it now, is it? Mix and match the two added wedges all while straddling or climbing on the chair to invent new positions on the fly to really take advantage of the Liberator Esse.
It gets moved around the home lots, we personally have a game where we think up interesting ways to have sex that should hit the spot better but aren't possible without such a uniquely shaped chair.
Be sure to use our coupon code for 25% off if you do decide to invest in one.
As naturally born humans we don't get the benefit of being able to levitate weightlessly whenever we feel like it, much less during sex. That's exactly where swings come into play to help us get into the best elevated positions possible without the need for magic powers.
The biggest hurdle to overcome is figuring out how to safely mount it. Most of the time a simple ceiling mount will do but for those who want a purpose built option getting a good stand isn't too difficult either. If you want the most bang for their buck, (pun not intended) you'd be well served by a swing since they aren't expensive whatsoever while still managing to offer great sexual positions. Don't let their unassuming look fool you, these are perfect for finding the right position without having to throw your back out.
Another aspect that appeals to us is that they are space efficient, besides a little bit of wiggle room on all sides so we don't bang into any walls there's really not that much burden in the room of space taken up. All we had to do was install the ceiling mount, set up our swing, and get to it.
Purple Reigns Swing (Our All Time Favorite)

The Purple Reigns definitely reigns supreme among sex swings. Besides its very spacious and comfortable hammock design, it really hits a home run in overall customization options.
Each of the four straps can be adjusted as you like to favor a certain overall angle for any position without any worry about spoiling the fun. Where the straps connect to the bar at the top are all very sturdy, the sex swing itself is rated to 140kg/308lbs and I'm fully confident in its ability to hold that and likely a little bit more although it might show signs of wear if it was pushed to the limit for extended periods of time.
I don't suggest trying that with any swing though, there's no reason to risk your partner falling because you tried to stress test your swing of choice past the weight allotted.
Its also padded properly in all of the right places so I'm free to make any shift while enjoying my time with my partner. There are no uncomfortable seams to have to avoid nor are there any places my weight gets concentrated in resulting in a little bit of soreness afterwards.
At the end of the day, I really appreciate the fact that this very customized sex swing is as comfortable, sturdy, plus it's not gaudy in appearance.
UpCircleSeven Aerial Yoga Swing Set (Perfect For Experienced Users)

Don't let the yoga swing label fool you, this thing is built just like the sex variety of swing and does a great job at it. In fact, I like it because it's a bit cheaper than other sex toys because I imagine there's a bit of markup there.
The thing I quickly came to realize after buying my first "sex swing" was that yoga style swings and sex style swings are basically something that both offer the same possible experience just with different prices and packaging.
This particular yoga swing functions perfectly as a sex swing. There's more than just one or two places to grab on to and it's a pretty simple thing to add to any room. You will have to secure it to the roof though. It's one option that doubles nicely as a tool for fitness or even as a convenient hammock, so you might be able to play it off if you position it strategically. Luckily for us, that's not a concern.
For some Cirque Du Soleil kinkiness, I choose this swing.
I've written a sex swing buyers guide if you'd like to learn about the other options.
Monkey Rockers
Love Glider Sex Machine (Most Comfortable And Easy To Use)

A sex rocker is the perfect option for someone who wants to enjoy the kind of play offered by a sex machine but doesn't like the huge price tag associated with them as well as the constant need for power. At their core, monkey rockers are chairs/stools that use the motion of someone rocking on the top platform to make a dildo move back and forth.
The Love Glider reigns supreme in this category of furniture because it comes with two dildos right out of the box but any Vac-U-Lock style dildos can be used if you'd prefer. The thigh rests are soft and padded just the right amount to the point where the experience is comfortable yet you aren't worried you might fall off in the squishiness.
As far as total range of motion goes it is completely viable as a replacement to a powered sex machine, with just a little bit of practice in rocking & positioning it was quite simple for me to enjoy some very long strokes in rapid succession. Sometimes I put on an excessively long dildo to reduce the amount of work overall I need to do.
When it comes time to clean it up it's no more difficult than using a single sanitary wipe per thigh rest and maybe a bit of accessory work. Overall, it's a great piece that's easy to love to bits and have some fun with. I'm very satisfied I managed to get one of my own.
Check out my in-depth guide to the best monkey rockers & sex gliders to learn about more options available,
Sex Benches/Tables
Sometimes a better experience with your partner just needs a simplest yet elegant solution instead of some convoluted system that promises to be the end to all of your sexual woes. A good bench is the perfect example of this, as they're just flat platforms that aren't difficult to add any room then exploited to their full capacity. They're often a simple addition to make to the home since they can blend in rather seamlessly thanks to their somewhat disguised nature.
A benefit worth considering from a quality bench is just how many bent-over style positions you can take enjoy because of all of the places you can easily dig your elbows into. Straddling also becomes really easy since their lack of width make it simple for either partner to keep their feet planted if they want. For us, this leaves us free to not have to worry about our legs as much and instead focus on fun.
So check out these benches, you might be surprised with what new positions come to mind just by your first look.
Prelude Bench

One hidden feature of the Prelude Bench is that there are several attachment points on the underside if you want to add in some straps to get a little kink with their play.
This bench comes in any of three sizes: Prince, Queen, or King. Each corresponds in length to the typical width of beds with the same size in name. That means a king Prelude will fit perfectly with a king sized bed, blending in seamlessly. That means you're free to leave the bench in whatever position you left it even if guests are coming over.
It's modestly firm but not so firm that laying down on it for extended periods of time will ever become strenuous. The main covering, besides offering a sleek look, is removable on top of being stain proof, that means everything is on the table without having to worry about what clean up will be like afterwards.
Ultimately my husband and I end up on the Prelude more often than we're proud to admit, seeing as our bed that you'd think would be a bit more purpose built for this kind of thing is no more than five feet away.
Liberator Black Label Center Stage

Finding brands that dedicate themselves specifically to the issue of furniture for sexual purposes can often be difficult, before I found this brand my husband and I often found ourselves just repurposing a handful of normal items until we had something usable.
So when I finally saw the Center Stage on their website, I knew I had to have it. It's a pretty simple design overall, just a nice wedge pillow and a long table made from their normal foam but it gets a ludicrous amount of use in our home. Also worth mentioning are the several attachment points included for those who want some kinky BDSM style play whenever the urge hits.
Either use it like you would a bed or switch around where you keep the pillow to use it as a full on position master regardless of what you have to work with. It isn't out of the question to put the Center Stage on top of something else like a table or bench to then convert it into useful sexual furniture.
Sex Stools
Pipedream Fetish: The Incredible Sex Stool (My Favorite Sex Stool)

A fantastic example of simple yet elegant, as well as a fantastic example of a pretty decent footrest.
Jokes aside, the sex stool is perfect for those positions that a sex pillow is just a bit too plush to handle. The two strips that make up the stool itself are very flexible which makes for a bit of a trampoline-like effect that really gets me going.
It's perfect for when we don't want to get too fancy but aren't going to settle for below-average or even average sex. It doesn't have to be on the ground to work, either, the amount of creativity we have with our sexual configurations is part of what gets me off at this point, second to the intercourse itself of course.
Sex furniture can definitely be a costly investment and isn't as cheap as say buying a simple sex toy like a dildo. That being said, I can definitely say that our collection of sex furniture designs has without a doubt enhanced the quality of sex in our marriage and that alone is well worth the cost to acquire it all.
If you're thinking of incorporating one or more of these options into your sex life, any of the products above will serve you well. I feel confident recommending them since I own all of them and they've served me very well. Something I never really considered was just how free I could get my limbs after putting just one different option near my bed.
After taking a long hard look at all that's out there, it wasn't easy for us to make the decision about which we were going to add to our collection over time. We often ended up going with options that make sex easier but still manage to be good pieces of furniture besides that fact. After all, who doesn't want to have the most amazing time with their partner that they possibly can?
For the folks that read this far, I just want to personally say thank you for doing so. Your time means a lot to us!
If you'd like to learn about more furniture for the BDSM lovers reading this, we've put together a separate post about BDSM furniture that is absolutely worth the look.
About The Author:

Angela Watson
Hi! My name is Angela.
I'm a sex therapist by day and a sex blogger by night. I love to crush the taboos surrounding sex toys and help people become more sexually liberated.
There's no topic too risqué for me to cover and I hope to educate and inform my readers on all things sex. All things that concern the female anatomy or require a more clinical approach than my husband Don can provide is covered by me.